Former Atsusa Mouri Family Hagi Yashiki Nagaya, Hagi City

The "Former Atsusa Mouri Family Hagi Yashiki Nagaya" is a historical building located in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. It is designated as an important cultural property of the country. This is a part of a row house where the retainers of the Mouri family lived during the Edo period, and it holds historical significance as the residence of the Mouri family's senior vassals and high-ranking officials.

The Atsusa Mouri family was one of the retainers established by the Mouri clan during the Sengoku period, and it had its base in Hagi City, which was an important stronghold of the Mouri family with significant historical importance.

The "Former Atsusa Mouri Family Hagi Yashiki Nagaya" reflects the architectural style of the Edo period and is characterized by its wooden row house structure. A part of it is open to the public, allowing visitors to experience the lifestyle of the Edo period and learn about the history of the Mouri family.

This building is an important place to experience Japanese history and culture, and it is cherished by many as a local tourist attraction. For those interested in history and architecture, it is definitely worth a visit.